Reflection on QuizMe app

We briefly came up with an idea for an app in order to make transportation easier for students that need it. It was sort of just a carpooling app and you would sign up to get rides and then people on the app would respond and be able to give rides if you needed it. Especially during winter time, biking and walking are no ideal options for getting to school. Busing also doesn’t exist here at the high school, so the app would be able to give the kids who needed to get to school rides.

In order to help organizations that already exist to make computer science education more accessible globally, you can donate to the foundations. They are always in need of help, and with donations, it could open many windows for them to make it easier to accomplish their goals. If you don’t have the money to make donations or the organization doesn’t accept, you could volunteer. More helping hands and brains on the job means that their goals could be accomplished quicker and easier.

Throughout this WE learning service project, I have learned that we cannot take anything for granted. I feel, and have always felt, that everyone should have an equally access to education, but it obviously doesn’t exist yet. Seeing the other places in the world where kids don’t even have schools or can’t go because they have to work for their family makes me appreciate more where I live and my access to school and education.

Reflections on The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Some of the basic human rights include the right to life, liberty, and freedom, the freedom of opinion and expression, and the right to work and education. So yes, education is a basic human right which begs the question; Why doesn’t every child grow up with schooling? Even though it is a basic human right, not everyone has access to a quality education, and there are a list of reasons. The area might be to poor to be able to build and fund a school, the families don’t value education, or they don’t enforce this basic right. These can also be labeled as barriers that prevent kids from education. These barriers exist simply because every country is different. Here in the US, kids are taught that education is important they have an access to education. In other countries, school is non-existent. It’s not talked about, there are no school or anyone teaching the children, etc. There are definitely barrier that exist here though. some kids simply don’t see the value in school, so they don’t go or they flunk out. There also might be some tough family situations that may prevent kids from being able to go to school. In the end, education is a basic human right and it should be talked about more in some of the places that don’t necessarily believe in the value of it

Reflection on Global Access to Education

After researching and learning about other countries and their access to education, there are some questions that have very interesting answers. If my formal education ended early or I never had an education at all, I would have a completely different life. I most likely wouldn’t really be able to read or write and I wouldn’t go to school obviously which would mean I would pretty much do nothing all day. Maybe I would start finding ways to make money and occupy myself at a super young age by finding quick jobs to do. I have not really ever encountered any barriers when it comes to education. My family believes strongly that school is important and it will set me up for a good future. Even though I have I have never encountered any barriers, there are definitely young children everywhere who run into these barriers due to family, money, or simply just the area they live in. I think that this is really unfair. I believe that in some places, people don’t value the children’s well being in a way and that they are just to help around the house instead of learning and growing as individuals. Every child should be able to have an access to education, whether you live in a poor community or a nicer one. It’s not right that the opportunity is taken from kids at such a young age. These lessons have certainly made me think differently about the value of my education. All I’ve grown up with/around is a good school system and taught that school is important. Almost every kid thinks when they go to school that they it’s boring and they don’t want to go and would rather sit at home all day and do nothing. I have felt this way at times as well but after seeing young kids not going to school because they don’t have access to a school or their family is to poor so they do chores around the house and farm makes me have a different opinion about school. It makes me appreciate the opportunities I am given here with a good school system and makes me feel for the children who desperately long for that. We could improve access to education overseas by possibly teaching the communities that don’t necessarily believe in education about the importance of it and all the benefits it has. We could also try to build some small schools in the communities that simply just don’t have the money to be able to give those kids the education they deserve. All in all, I think that every child should be able to go to school and learn so they are able to grow up and have a great future. The fact that there are barriers for these children is so unfair to them and they 100% deserve an education.

This is me…

Hi! My name is Morgan Cooney and I am a high school student at NOHS. This blog is part of a WE Service project we are doing in AP computer science. While I enjoy computer science class, my favorite thing in school would either have to be math or physics. I also enjoy sports; more specifically soccer.

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